A Wonderland of Curiosity
May 15, 2022, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Albert Einstein said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”
Are you curious about household items from the 19th century? Do you know what 'that' item is used for? How about the rules of croquet? Come along to the Royal Bull's Head Inn in Drayton near Toowoomba on the first and third Sundays of April and May to meet Alice and the White Rabbit to find answers to these questions and to view many more curious items on display.
The Royal Bull's Head Inn was built in 1859 by ex convict, William Horton, to provide accommodation for the travellers and a place of entertainment for the early settlers on the Darling Downs. It has been an Inn, a family home and is now a museum showcasing those early settlers' way of life. Be a sleuth for the day and satisfy that curious streak in yourself.
Entrance fees apply : children and concession $5; Adults $7; family $20
Devonshire teas will also be on sale for $5.
Plan Your Visit
59 Brisbane St Drayton 4350
Open Hours
03/04/2022 - 10am to 2pm
17/04/2022 - 10am to 2pm
01/05/2022 - 10am to 2pm
15/05/2022 - 10am to 2pm