St. Mark's "Heart of Heritage" Festival
Apr 18, 2021, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Warwick's St. Mark's Church has been a centre for the regional community for over 150 years with descendants of early settler families still attending St. Mark’s. The building has several notable features as listed in the Queensland Heritage Register. The architect of the 1868 Church was Richard Suter who is well known in Queensland. Many of the Church's 52 stained glass windows were designed by William Bustard. His work can be found across every state in Australia, in the UK and the USA. A static display of the timeline of the three stages of the building will be available to view in the Baptistry.
The Chime of Bells were imported from England and form part of a Memorial to Parishioners who lost their lives in the Second World War.
Quilts are a heritage craft and the main part of the Church, along with the two side Chapels, will provide an attractive setting for the display.
The acoustics of St. Mark’s Church are superb and the Concert by the "Brisbane Baroque Players" will be a feast of period music. This acclaimed group have performed at Government House as well as a number of other heritage properties in Queensland.
What's on offer at your Heritage Festival Event?
The local Community boasts a number of talented artisans. Quilt makers are invited to display and sell their quilts during the Friday and Saturday of the Festival.
The Guided Tours, offered daily at 11am, are conducted by long-term Parishioners. The Tours will be complemented with a rendition of the Memorial Chime of Bells. There may also be an opportunity to "have a go" on the unique to Warwick instrument.
Morning and Afternoon Teas and a Light Lunch will be offered all weekend in onsite Tea Rooms.
Sunday afternoon will be a feast of music in the Church with a "Beautiful Baroque” Concert with nine performers from the "Brisbane Baroque Players" featuring an array of period instruments and two Guest Sopranos. Pre-booking is required as the Church has a seating limit of 100.
Purchase tickets from
All tickets include a "Devonshire Tea". Adult $25; Child under 12 $10. Glasses of Bubbly $5.
"Living Stones" and a 2020 revised edition of "Heritage Guide - Historic Windows of St. Mark's Church" are two books which, with other St. Mark's memorabilia, will be offered for sale.
EFTPOS facilities will be available.
COVID SAFE rules will apply to all of the events. The ONLY event requiring pre-booking is the Sunday Concert.
Plan Your Visit
55 Albion Street at Grafton Street, Warwick, Queensland, 4370
Event Days and Time
Friday 16 April from 10am - 4pm
Saturday 17 April from 10am - 4pm
Sunday 18 April from 10am - 1pm
Concert - Sunday 18 April 2pm - 4pm (Booking Required,
Event Cost
Quilt Exhibition $2
Guided Tours $2
Concert (Sunday 18 April 2pm to 4pm) $25 Adults, Children (under 12) $10
Glass of bubbly $5
Groups over 15 are requested to email or call 0427 962 281.